El gato negro

There is a special story with this bag... During the photo shoot, a handsome Spanish tomcat showed some interest in the process. First, he suddenly popped up out of the bushes, causing a moment of alarm, then he inspected the bag with the certain dignity of a cat, and finally he was willing to pose with it. And although La Perla Húngara's creations are always named after Hungarian flowers, this time I  made an exception and called it El gato negro. It is made from blue denim with a black zip. It is lined with black cotton canvas and has a large open pocket.

Teljes magasság: 44 cm
Magasság a fülig: 27cm
Szélesség alul: 27cm
Szélesség felül: 38cm
Mélység: 5,5cm
Fül: 11 cm átmérőjű, kör kialakítású

95.00 €
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